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McCune Foundation grants are provided anonymously, a policy in keeping with Charles McCune's charitable practice of seeking no publicity of his philanthropy. The Distribution Committee respects Mr. McCune's wishes and requests that publicity not be given to the grants. Organizations are requested to abide by the following guidelines.



List the McCune Foundation's name (but not amount of grant), along with other contributors in an annual report, in an internal accounting of contributors to a campaign or project, or as required by IRS regulations. 


In major campaigns you may verbally mention the name of the Foundation and the amount of the grant during your solicitation of other foundations.



Never put the Foundation's name in the public press. If you wish to give publicity to the grant please say that it is from a source that wishes to remain anonymous. If you do a press release, please let us see it first. 


Never list the Foundation's name and amount of the grant. If you wish to list the amount of the grant please refer to the donor as Anonymous Donor. In soliciting individuals, government and corporations for a major project or campaign, please do not reveal the Foundation's name and amount of grant. Again, say that it is from an anonymous source.


Do not list the Foundation's name in audits. Do not list the Foundation’s name (or as Anonymous) on donor plaques, buildings, walls, and programs.


Do not name scholarship funds for the Foundation and do not reveal the source of the funds to the scholarship recipients.


The Distribution Committee appreciates your compliance with these requests. If you ever have a question about appropriate recognition, please call the Foundation's office at (412)644-8779.


If there is anyone else in your organization responsible for publicity and recognition of grants please share this policy with them. All members of organizations are expected to comply with the wishes of the Foundation.

Contact Information


3 PPG Place, Suite 400

Pittsburgh, PA 15222






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